How Mobile App Development Will Change In The Next Couple Of Years

When it comes to mobile app development, it's important to acknowledge and deeply understand which trends are the ones who are more likely to survive throughout the following years. A big bubble for what concerns mobile app development in the last couple of years was definitely related to virtual reality as a whole, which was stated by many as the pivotal technological feature that would have been applied to every smartphone and mobile app (and never did.). In 2019, we're clearly seeing a rapidly applied machine and deep learning development to mobile app development. Let's draw a distinct timeline to determine what the future of mobile app development is.

Automation-Related Features

In order to understand the power of machine learning applied to mobile app development, we must deeply analyse the evolution of its applications within employment and workforce-related sphere: in 2018, in fact, there was a net +400% growth in requests for Python coders, and 40% of these new positions were related to the mobile development world. It's no secret that machine learning can be applied to data management and processing and, given the fact that mobile apps are relying more and more on Internet-based pieces of information, we can clearly see how and why big data processors and data scientists are required within this development sphere.

Google's Guidelines

When it comes to mobile-related trends, Google is the leader who sets up the market’s rules. This is mainly due to the fact that last year they've released their complete mobile-based web index. Although this is strictly content and pages' performance-related, it actively impacted the workflow of many mobile app developers, who moved quickly to a creative process which was finalised to properly translate desktop features into mobile. Google developers have stated multiple times that their advanced features such as SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) and automatic data processing will be applied to their flagship apps like Maps before 2020.

The UK Powerhouse

Of course, the mobile app development business is definitely an American matter, with Silicon Valley being the stronghold of many groundbreaking market leaders in terms of both triple-A companies and startups. Although, in the last couple of years, we've definitely embraced a far more evolved market in the UK, where many app developers were recognized for their experimental, yet superior voice search and recognition applied to their software, for example. ProlificNorth has recently covered how powerful the northern side of the UK is for what concerns mobile app development and it's easy to say that it's very likely to grow in the next couple of years.

To Conclude

Although pretty much still in its embryonic stage, automation-related technologies (which includes machine learning and deep learning) are the ones which are likely to contaminate the world of mobile app development even more in the next couple of years. We can definitely say that there will be a considerable growth within this matter before the end of the year, an exciting opportunity for the Python-savvy coder who wants to apply his/her knowledge to a more mobile-related world.


Paul is a Manchester based business and tech writer who writes in order to better inform business owners on how to run a successful business. You can usually find him at the local library or browsing Forbes' latest pieces.